
Use the following to upload your file.

For College of the Consistory papers:

  1. Select the appropriate lodge to upload the paper
  2. Click on the drop list to select one of the 4 lodges.
  3. Select the file to upload on your computer
  4. When the filename appears in the bar on the webpage
    1. click before the filename
    2. enter the sub-directory in that lodge the file is to go in followed by a trailing slash (/) (ie 04th, 05th, 21st, etc)
      1. should look like:  06th/Jones, Samuel, name of paper.pdf
      2. note:  the 0 is a zero.
    3. Use this convention for all subdirectories, otherwise it will create a new subdirectory for the file.
  5. Finally, press the File Up button.  A green check mark will appear if it is successful.

[fileup base=”2″ sub=”Lodge of Perfection” filetypes=”pdf, doc, docx”]

[fileup base=”2″ sub=”Chapter of Rose Croix” filetypes=”pdf, doc, docx”]

[fileup base=”2″ sub=”Council of Kadosh” filetypes=”pdf, doc, docx”]

[fileup base=”2″ sub=”Consistory”  filetypes=”pdf, doc, docx”]–>

For Scottish Rite Mason:

[fileup maxsize=”20″]