Preserve the Organ Fundraising Campaign

The Guthrie Scottish Rite Auditorium is home to a beautiful 1926 Kimball Pipe Organ.

The 5,376-pipe organ has been appraised for more than $1,000,000 but is in a room without air conditioning, subjecting it to the harsh heat of Oklahoma summers. The organ, as far as we know, has been unaltered since its installation.

If you are a member here at Guthrie, or have ever attended our reunions and events, you are very familiar with the amazing Pipe Organ in our main auditorium. Whether you have heard the National Anthem, the Phantom of the Opera, an Annual Christmas Concert or the accompaniment of the Organ with the many degrees of the Scottish Rite, there is no doubt you have been moved by its’ amazing range and tones.

We have developed this direct giving opportunity for you to be a part of the future support of the cost required to keep the organ tuned and repaired on an annual basis. The current cost is about $2000.00 per year. This donation program has a goal of $35,000, which will be endowed and set up in an interest-bearing money market account. This account will help generate the funds needed per-year to ensure that this beautiful and unique piece of musical history stays in a great operating state for years to come.

Our current and future members deserve to experience the richness of the music that is heard from this historic Organ, and we invite you to become a Guthrie Scottish Rite Organ Donor!

There are different levels of contributions you may participate in. Of course, the different levels come with different acknowledgements, but as always, we appreciate your giving no matter what amount. Our goal is $35,000 so every dollar helps!


  • Any Donation: Receive a “Guthrie Organ Donor” button
  • $500: Receive a “Guthrie Organ Donor” coin, and button
  • $750: Receive a “Guthrie Organ Donor” shirt, coin, and button
  • $1000+: Receive a reserved seat at Guthrie Organ Concerts for life, a “Guthrie Organ Donor” shirt, coin, and button


Anyone may participate in this fundraising campaign and donations may be made “in honor” or “in memory” of loved ones. Donations of any amount receive a receipt for tax purposes. (Consult your tax professional about deduction eligibility.) Donor gifts will be dispersed at the conclusion of the campaign.